42212 Sunday (#309): 181.5 woke with set of push ups.
Today I completed, successfully, the Life Guard Certification course I gave myself for my birthday. The same that I thought I may not pass. The one that kicked my ass for the past 8 Sundays. I did some aqua kickboxing while I was in the pool. I was completely exhausted by the time I finished. Too tired to celebrate.
42312 Monday #310 – 184.5 Felt weak today, could be cold wet weather or backed up or over trained. Didn’t eat bad, just off schedule. ACV AM? Can’t remember.
Leg press (Inverted Smith) 270 x 16; 360 x 10ish; 410 x 10, + Calf presses.
Shin flex 55 3 x 20
CF did me in, not as strong as Friday. Body strength and endurance fluctuates.
Bench Press 135; 145; 155 remembered to bring elbows to 90 degrees, not to chest. Some pull ups, 1 set too tired.
Leg Extensions prog 150 to rack (255 I think) . 4 sets.
Left it at that.
Off to TU for G&B.
42412 Tuesday #311 182 PUMPED & Aqua Box, Both Fun weather sux, zapping energy, Tired after classes and (passed out?) on the floor. I want to work legs tomorrow maybe acupuncture.
42512 Wednesday (#312) 182, 10 hrs sleep, still cold out. No dreams I can remember. Aqua Box, seems a purge is occurring.
Temple Legs
Working the slide with 800 (eased up, started with 500 and worked reps to 800)
No records today, many sets tho.
Leg extensions w/ plates, seated calf raises, Adductor, calf press (seated) Maybe acupuncture tomorrow.
White Dog Humbug, just not ready to be home yet. Tet showed up and we saw Jackie.
42612 Thursday (#313) 181.5 been working legs hard for the last several weeks, weights 3x a week.
In the water 1x a week (that’s over) walking, climbing steps everyday. Documented results tho. Should take a break GX break next week, but not really.
First professional acupuncture today. Start a practice I think. Have faith believe it will work, should do 2x a week and see what happens.
Last moments of the day got some serious thermogenic activity going on here, sweatin for no apparent reason, feeling energetic too, took the usual work stack, 3 helpings of protein today, AM – post GX, mass gainer & hemp pt w/ dinner.
42712 Friday (#314) Work: Lite sus-training maybe the supps at work are giving me gas? Or the mushrooms and quinoa n hemp protein?
YMCA Lift Therapy
Never a fail but the body says take a break.
Deadlifts came up hard, maxed at 315 went str8 to leg presses (cable) & leg curls, peck deck, shoulder press machine and shoulder therapy w/ cables… a very modified workout.
Rt forearm/elbow pain, left knee was oddly sore. Didn’t have much energy either despite goo breakfast proein, creatine and workout stack, maybe I took too much or maybe it’s break time.
Take a break from limbs and work core, wt less leg work.
Cheat day Pizza, p-shake later.
42812 Saturday (#315) 181.5 Holding steady, kicking workwt. Less legs.
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