Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ruggedness: The Wrap Up - 60312-61812

60312 Sunday (#351) 178 20% - 55.5% at wake up. This is the low for the year. First time during a cardio modes o this may be sustainable. Turned out to be a chill day – coming back strong tomorrow… I suppose.

60412 Monday #352 179.5. Wake up knockin on the door again, but it’s Monday and it’s GO BIG – back to pyramid intervals & spa day type stuff. GX warm ups, abs rotation, crunches 50 ea plus ankle wts 50 ea. Legs up, atomic, leg raises (home).
Pretty much wrecked it today. Pyramid intervals 9-7 mph sprints, 167 BPM max HR (95% sub max), 35 mins. 5 min cool down. Kick boxing/shadow boxing,
CFS hi-jump burpees 34
Push ups 100
Wide pull ups 35 (in 4 sets)
Hot Legs 360
Cool down stretch came close to the wall,
Had a 45 min nap, good dinner, finished p-drnk.
Feel worked over. I went BIG!!

60512 Tuesday (#353) 180 [walked in at 181.5] Good GX today (at Temple) and Aqua Box. PUMPED seems easy after Ruggedness,but that’s the point, right? Dreary day draining NRG, but not too badly. Traditional Draught Horse salmon salad.

60612 Wednesday (#354) 181.5 Extra sleep, woke up sun salutations, some warm ups 60 mins outside, no running,
warm up, shadow boxing,
front kick, front back kick combo,
burpees, hi-jumps/knee slap combo 10s [40 in 4 sets] with leg raises and kicks n twists between
Hi circle kicks
Pushups b/w benches 75
Dips b/c benches 50
Backwards walk uphill.
Leg raises 4 x 4 tough.

60712 Thursday (#355) 180 wake-up:
suspension training at work, lite, just to feel the pull.
Very hype this morning, the stack + tea?
Sun sals 2x & abs shadow Box
Maybe I can GO BIG upper body tomorrow.
No Classes at the Y this week… right?

60812 Friday (#356)  182 wake up.
Work: Felt pretty hype when I got in. Suspension training – but winding down 3 hrs in. Eyes need an overhaul – new ‘script’
Rev-stack: BCAA, Gurana, OxyE, Creatine, COQ10, Honey, what else is in there? *Almost out of green creatine. I think this combo makes me hype!!! The stack kept me up, couldn’t sleep.
NO Crash – extra sleep decided to party instead of train. Log in a Rum Bar night b/c I cant remember the last time I was there.

60912 Saturday (#357) came in at 186 I knew it was all water/booze. Flushed it out during the course of sleeping “it” off. Finished at 181.5
Homework, out nice day but didn’t feel like going out. Got chores done.

61012 Sunday (#358) 182 up at 4-5AM 45-60 mins of yoga stretching and back to bed. Acupuncture & massage today.
Last moments of the day and the energy is back. Probably b/c of food… duh. I didn’t eat that well over the weekend. I feel guilty for taking a break but I feel weaker too.. call this a “fail” the kind of fail I need from time to time to come back stronger. Monday is literally minutes away and I’m gonna start with suspension training.

61112 Monday (#359) 182 wake
Suspension Training – Took the workout stack 2 hrs in, sus & kick practice.
Day looks dreary – rain expected may have to train at the Y today but then I can go to H-Mart on the way back.
Let’s get back on track for the last week.
P-husk b4 bed.
Protein drink b4 breakfast
Fruit yogurt nuts & honey
Pre-workout drink, Honey wk/o stack
Recover stack – drink
Outside X 90+ minutes:
One mile thru woods
Walk up hill 3x backwards
Kick box/Stretch/
CFS – 50 bench jumps: 80 pushups: 80 dips in  sets. Very tired. HR 90 BPM 1-2 hrs after wk/o.
180 lbs post wk/o

61212 Tuesday (#360)  180 wake up 19% 56.5%
Work 71 BPM: I could probably do something tonight (this morning) but should relax. Maybe some stretches at some point. Legs…
Good GX workout
Maybe some yoga b4 work?
Sus Tonight? No soreness from cardio workouts.

61312 Wednesday (#361)  - no weight???
Sus & kick very light stuff… Movie night
Walk to Y 2.5 miles w/ backpack
Chore.. ugh! Should relax tonight.

***START: CLA & Fish Oil today, supposed to target torso fat.
Hump Day, Slump day…
It was a mistake not to work out when I woke up.

61412 Thursday (#362) 182.5 p-husk am:
Not much at the gig. GX at the Y today.
*** New stack includes Arginine & Carnitine let’s see.
VERY energetic during GX, still charged afterwards. Stack maybe.. or the last few weeks of cardio?? Combo maybe? Or wake-up exercises?
Had a dip afterwards – contrast. that high made normal feel like a low.

61512 Friday (#363) 180.5 wake up.
Work – sus training some kicking, salad pretzels, soft. Lemonade creatine didn’t burn this time. Maybe it was interacting with something else?
Shoulder push ups : Normal workout stack
Over flowing with energy, want to pass it all around. Direct my body to heal itself. Think tendons, repair – make them stronger.
P-husk, almonds, blueberries.

This is measuring day going from top to center – will worry about legs and limbs later. So this will be the new format??
Shoulders : ……120.5 cms
Chest: …………101.0
Solar Plexus…… 96
Two-pack……… 87
Navel…………..  91
Waist…………..  94

NEW PICTURE – A new statistical picture that is.


Warm Ups – shadow box & Kick
Kettle Bell (10 lb) Swings & squats
Kbell swing with chain
Bench jumps (sideways full jump overs) 38 in  sets.
Back kicks from bench & side leg raises
Climb pole pull ups
Hi wall jumps 2 sets 6&8 last set w/ kbell
Decline pushups off rock 2 x 30 last set across rocks.
Kbell kickbacks
Uphill backwards weighted (kbell & chain)
Gave it all – emptied it out.
Good Night 82 or 92? BPM 1 hr later.
Passed out 2-3 hrs post workout.
I WAS DONE AFTER THIS ONE!! This is payback in a way. Sometimes I go out drinking and can’t train the next day. Today I trained so hard I didn’t go out drinking!!


61612 Saturday (#364)  179.5
But that’s just having woken up at 1:30am and no dinner b/c I was too tired from the workout. Finally got the legs, butt, hips to pay attention to what I’ve been doing to them. I feel the burn a lil bit.

Llanarch Diner.. 3am protein omelet

61712 Sunday (#365) 180.5 – In any other year this would be a year- Wilmington Del. Early am workout, but spent the majority of the day in church and asleep.. It was family time. Mike was honored/recognized at his church. This was certainly a “cheat day.”

61812 Monday (#366) – Wake 182.5 Finale!

WORK – My legs are finally feeling it. Maybe I’ll close out Ruggedness I the same way I started, run through the woods. Two miles and then? It hasn’t been six weeks yet so my body hasn’t acclimated to the Monday routine.. Maybe I’ll just go for 2 hours to start the week. Trun through the woods and up the sidewalk, down the hill across the bridge, calisthenics, kbox, backup the hill CF pull ups kix, stretches.

Just kind of vegged out all night. I’ll hv to post up these last two weeks. 9-12 lbs, ha ha ha. I’ll hv to do something extreme to push this wt. down. But if I keep losing inches and maintaining the same weight, that’s a WIN!!

Slept late, woke dehydrated with a slight headache. So much for my grandiose plan. I still managed a two mile run/walk thru the woods. Made me feel better an hr after I was done. I need more running training I also want to lift me and I have to get back in the pool for laps, treading and diving..

Final count – 8 inches off the torso.
Weight range 186 hi – 178 low.. dif of 6 lbs. Bodyfat % isn’t accurate but lowest recorded was 12.5% when I was full of liquids… so figure that out..

Goodbye Ruggedness.. It’s been real!!

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Ruggedness May-June: 52712-60212

52712 - (#344) Sunday - 181.5 (183.5 at wake) well hydrated.. litecardio, punching, abs, stretch. Waiting for that energy to kick in. Chill day - go big tomorrow??
HR 78 BPM sitting in El after a stack, bee pollen, oxyE, guarana and creatine.

52812 - (#345) Monday Mem'day - 181.5 wake, came in from work at 12.5% BF 61% H2O new best. 184 lbs. drank many iced teas yesterday.
Goal post pull ups...10 ft up, maybe.
Today light cardio warm ups, shadow boxing old school calisthenics - abs & stretching.very lite eating, work tonight. Rt elbow is sore, gotta get back to acupuncture.
Thinking of park wk/o this eve. Maybe just a run, but we'll see.
Back to what Ruggedness Training was supposed to be. (Hard to write, hands shaking)
HR 109
Run/walk 1 mile
50 bench jumps (low bench) push ups & dips in 3 sets.
1/4 mi. jog.
kick sets, pole climb pull ups 2 sets of 6
stretch, cool down, walk home... 60 mins. Sunset 85+ degrees.

"Change is a long and winding road."

17 Min nap, forgot to log the sea salt purgative from 2 days ago. It’s doing its job. Perhaps this is the reason for the better hydration. Feeling the energy after-glow of today’s training. Maybe I passed the hump (this was day 5 of cardio training). Let’s see what tomorrow brings at PUMPED!
Wt check 180.5 13.5% BF 60.5% H2O, post elim. Everything is better after this session!!!

52912 (#346) Tuesday Work: Waiting for but hoping there's no crash. So far there's been none. This could be worth passing on to "my public". Thurs - Mon all cardio heavy & lite minimum 20-30 mins max 90. Energy day was day 5. Still lite eating and lots of H2O. Still doing stax, protein, nuts, etc. almost no (red) meat, chicken and turkey in salads.
181.5 at wake up. Well hydrated (17% & 58 after work #s)
Looks like a zero for PUMPED today (ended up with one.)
EZ day felt sluggish, prob due to low activity.

53012 - (#347) Wednesday 180 well hydrated, Cardio wake up then 90+ mins Ruggedness. 1.5 laps down trail and up hill short walk, then run thru woods again to staging area. Cals, KBx'ing, squats - walk up hill to CF area. pre-strength stretch
Bench Jumps (hi bench) 50; push ups 100, dips 80 in 4 sets.
Bar pull ups, normal, wide, rev, hi pull ups. Hot legs, contractor kicks 3x8, str8 leg lat raises 2x8, side leg swings 1x8, both sides. Yoga stretch, no need for abs.
Walk to market, carry 20-30 lbs back in pack.. eat?? maybe nap.
Post drink, peanut butter, creatine, muscle meal, cin. ice H2O
HR 85 BPM post wk/o (about 2 hrs later). Dinner, fish, tomatoes OJ, vits. Can feel the sweat come.
Nice lil purge to end the day. Don't know what to attribute this to, maybe it's what happens when you "eat clean"? The purge left me empty, tight belly, chills.. replace, replace!!!

53112 (#348) Thursday - 180 after the ritual. Felt really good walking to 69th St. Gliding through. Shirts feel a bit tighter, in a good way. YMCA today. No soreness from yesterday... yet. GX Seemed EZ, probably due to training, but Itook it easy on 'em today.

_______________________JUNE --The Last 18 days!!!--___________________

60112 - (#349) Friday: Work.. deep amarillo wz, can't figure out why?? Oh, Vit B12 in the stack...
Dreary day 181.5 no change. Phone call brought me down or maybe that's just an excuse. Could be the day, the humidity, a combo? Did some lite cardio & strong stretching. Need a better stretch routine. Should do X-Stretch. Still feel strong on the walk.

60212 (Day #350) Saturday: Work: Suspension training, getting abit more energy.
181 wake up other #s are off, higher, back to where they were. Need more H2o and another purgative maybe this week?
180 after 2 hrs in the park...
1.5 mile run, half paved/half woods. Kickbox, cals, recovery. Walk uphill backwards, 2x.
First 2 hour session. Enjoying the sunset afterburn
CFs: 55 bench jumps (hi-bench) 100 push ups & dips in 4 sets. - maybe reduce sets or add another exercise or go past 100?? 35 pull ups in 4 sets, (varied pulls) Hot legs - various, classic to exotic. Balance and abs (for the kids) walk home thru woods.
So I get home and although I'm looking at the body I'm telling myself, "It's no longer about the body." If not what? Strength, endurance, conditioning?? But still - it's the body.. the temple!!
I feel really good. Not high, like Mem'day, not hungry.. yet. Had N/O mix & honey with me, but no str8 H2O, coconut water b4 run/training. I need new pants.
Treated myself to a protein drink then protein mean, egg white omelet with turkey and cheese... mmm.. Bit of a purge toward the end of the night. Body is getting rid of the stuff it doesn't need.. trying to tell me something. I'd better listen.