Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ruggedness May: 50612 - 51212

50612 – Sunday (Race Day) #323 180.5 wt fluctuated as expected, anyway the news is 10 mile run with breaks and a walking moment which seemed to affect my legs. Ankle didn’t swell up, light cramping mostly below the knees. Made me nervous, but they rubbed out. Legs did not seize up this year. There were some moments, honey & sugar along the way. Coconut H2O at the end and H2O and the snacks provided, no pretzels tho. This was the easiest, most leisurely 10 miles ever (out of 3) and the slowest. Speed was scarificed for comfort and health… wake 183; pre-race 180.5, post race 183, final before bed 181.  Looking forward to hitting the Y Monday.
Looking to conquer 3 Cardio sessions this summer.
1. Insanity; 2. Body Combat 3. Tae Bo Boot Camp

50712 – Monday #324  181 – Sore from yesterday; legs early legwork and abs, squats, acupuncture – very different technique.. 4th visit (Iliana).
YMCA: 2 hrs lackadaisical leg work to make the gams feel normal again.
3 sets of squats, leg press (smith), leg extensions, leg curls, leg presses (slide), leg raises, no wt.
No records today, just maintenance.

50812 – Tuesday #325  181 feels like a lull. I don’t really like breaks. Some squats at wake.
100 atomic crunches, crunches, side crunches (each side)
Chest Day YMCA (shoulders and arms) & vanity: try to get back to old school vanity work:
Bench Press: 135 x 15; 155 x 10; 165 x ??; 170 x 4 (2 sets maybe) 145 x 10 50 reps tot.
Incline Bench 115 4 x 8s
Decline db press 3 sets 8 – 12
Peck deck, 3 sets… tired out!
Shoulder lateral raises 20s 3 x 12, + db shoulder presses
Bent laterals 3 x 10s (20 lbs)

50912 – Wednesday #326  180.5 with hydration, no error message
100s atomic crunches, crunches, knees up crunches, rev. crunches. Chest & shoulders are sore.

51012 – Thursday (AM-work) #327:
Back to work. I’ve decided the way I’m eating is wrong. I have gas every night. I think I’m going over board on the protein supplements and not eating enough real green food . Got to get back to fruit, salads at home etc.
Been indulging in PB Honey and cinnamon sandwiches which means more bread, whole wheat – yum. Wt fluctuates as usual, hopefully warm weather will arrive soon and be consistent. It’s the last month and a half of Ruggedness which may end up being Ruggedness I, unless I call next year ZEST; Zombie Emergency Survival Training, which sounds and seems more fun.
So far tonight I’m doing some light suspension training, chest and shoulders are sore from Tuesday!
Later today, Functional Fitness at the YMCA.
Wake up 183: dp, phusk B4 bed, atomic crunches - 100, 50 hard shoulders off-the-floor crunches; 50 hips-off-the-floor rev crunches. FFGX YMCA, think I went EZ.
Home Chest - db press 20s & pull over 30s
Inc db press 20s, front raises 12s.

51112 (Friday) #328.. Wake 184, woke well hydrated; abs work, felt sluggish tho, mind is thinking of how i can change eating again. Go back to heavier more protein rich meals. Thinking of easing off supps for a month, maybe July. Can I eat like I did in 2004 and gain muscle? Why is ankle playing up again.
YMCA: Largely improve today
Romanian deadlifts: Just get it off the floor, many sets low reps
Low NRG most of the workout
Shin flex & bb bends (across back)
BB shrugs - heavy.
db pull overs 60 lbs 50 reps in 4 sets
Random, upright row, EZ curl bar
Single leg extensions 5 sets or 6??

51212 (saturday) wake 182.5 #329; better hydration, seems the protein OD was the culprit. Should probably go with one drink per day. Maybe I need to count calories again. Next food discipline - plan meals and write them down, recipes maybe.
Back to the woods, jog, no time, no distance (just over 1/2 the course) fulfilled two promises today. 1, train outside, 2 run the woods. Did a lap walking and took time for pix.
Realized or understood, by way of Rich G. video I don't have to rep heavy to make muscles big, so after all this time maybe I can FINALLY put my ego away. Rep moderate wt & use body wt. training for strength and power, use aerobics for burn and endurance.
200 bench crunches and 10 wheel extensions.

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