Saturday, November 05, 2011

Ruggedness Training October-November..:103011-110511

For the first time in several weeks my updates are up to date. I am hoping to get more demo clips up here... just in case you're watching.

103011 - Day 134 181.5 - Stayed in the house all day actually cleaning, slowly and more thoroughly than usual. I woke up 5 lbs lighter than when I went to sleep.. the wt and the loss was mostly water. Bought an iron gym yesterday and the first thing I did with it wasn't pull ups.. I'll have to upload the clip. did some decline push ups with the vest and 100 calf raises which I am still feeling, (it was only a minute ago).

103111 - Day 135 - 181 - feel like I ate a ton for food between yesterday and early morning hrs at work. The list is in the book, no need to repeat it here. started a new morning routine that starts with balanced leg thrusts, see film, maybe I can post it here. Then as many push ups (25 today) as I can do with the 20lb vest off the end of a wt bench. Then 100 calf raises. I add a few other things from time to time but that's the main idea. Then Aquarobics, subbed for Gwen and the Spooky Guts and Butts Halloween Party, Then work... I was hyped after the creatine. Also my skin started breaking out in something, hives maybe? Like what has happened to me during summers of the past. dry elbow, blister-like things on my fingers. I think it's from wearing sweaty wt gloves. Need to give them a break.

November!! 2011

110111 - Day 136 182.. started the day with the ritual workout, then PUMPED, then Aquabox, later declared my intention to swim 51 miles by my next birthday and swam .25 at the Y - 50.75 to go, let's keep track together.

110211 - Day 137 180.5 this rash on my hands seems to be eczema, not medically diagnosed, but will treat for it anyway. I am a parasite-noid (phobe) so will be ejecting anything as the full moon approaches. Meanwhile the wake up routine doesn't stop.... The "planche" kicks continue, slower and steadier but fewer, v-pushups off the bench increase, 32, plus another set of 10, then bows with the vest, 110 calf raises... got to increase steadily the 100s were beginning to feel normal.

110311 - Day 138 180.5 woke up better hydrated today. I think this is the day I started doing Apple Cider Vinegar shots in a focused effort to clear up this eczema. I skipped the wake up workout stuff, had low NRG at start of functional fitness (maybe b/c of skipping the routine) but came back towards the end of the class. Still love it.

110411 - Day 139 (180.5) caught a cramp upper left back of thigh, probably from all the squats and lunges, took a honey shot and walked it off. I really think honey helps to work out cramps. I think it has to do with the dextrose, but this isn't official and it doesn't work (quickly) the time. Eczema seems to be subsiding.I truly believe the diet connection.
Exhausting but strong (Friday) workout Very Happy Made some strength gains, and left uninjured. Could be the 9 days between lifting. Here are the stats:
Round 1: Leg presses 3 progressive sets, about 10 reps each bar+ 270, +320, +370
DB press 90s (180 total) 10x10x8
Shin flex 60 lbs 3 x 20, calf raises
core work, dip bar flips, bench crunches.

Round 2: This is the Vanity round
Wide grip pull ups : 3x10
Triceps push downs, progressive sets 110-130
Str8 bar curls, progressive, light wts. 3x+10 (lost count)
hanging wipers

Round 3: Leg extensions progressive 195 - 225 10 - 8 reps
Shoulder laterals prog. 20s, 30s
Supine balance planks, semi successful

Round 4: stretch, lots of twists and forward folds
Oh yeah, felt light, fast and sleek yesterday after the workout. Even the heavy backpack didn't feel heavy. Would love to feel like this all the time, hwvr I don't want to feel complacent.

110511 - Day 140 - 181 - been taking ACV at wake up and psyl-husk before sleep, trying to burn and absorb and eliminate any toxins in the bod. half mile swim today 40-45 mins. but still have not run. Perhaps the swimming will help the running. Felt drained after the swim.. always feel like I want to sleep. Instead I came home, made a protein shake and updated. Looking fwd to the 2 months off from Temple, I plan to get back to the Y, lift heavy, back to deadlifts.

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