110611 Day 141 180.5 lbs... piddles around the house and ended up doing an exercise demo... tried some different balance stuff and found I'm a bit better balanced and stronger.. still need to get further. this ish is amazing. The eczema (rash) has cleared up, after I put the ACV and psy-husk to it... some traces remain, but are fading.
110711 - Day 142 181.5 guts and butts was intense, for them.. I was only around 70% which is as it should be. Made it to the Y, swam a half and almost quit at a quarter, thought I'd run out of time but I made it... 36 lengths (18 laps) I've been told a lap is across and back, makes sense to me. Got to go tomorrow, not sure if I'll make it this weekend. Feel kind of dried out due to chlorine, but still awesome and accomplished. Now if I can get back to running. Geeze dude, whatup??
110811 - Day 143 179.5 probably weaker today due to lack of actual food.... no dinner... mostly fruit and shake. Two sessions at Temple... and 1/2 mile swim.. I feel like I went faster than last night but I know I didn't. The body felt good cutting through the water, but i felt tinges of cramps coming in foot and legs, which could also be from less than normal food. I may have to do a quasi fast to push the set point down.. I want to flux between 175 and 178 i have to be a bit hardassed about it.
110911 - Day 144 179.5 - Chores, Aqua box, kind of tired wondering about swimming. Still haven't run?!? Not enough to eat probably. Swam the half.. hard, tired, but it seemed easier. 6 weeks to acclimation?
111011 - Day 145 180, dry weather, dry skin, etc. some successful balance wake up stuff, doubled the ank-wts. and did some ab work, leg lifts etc. pretty successful might bc a routine. FF at the YMCA, pushed the NRG level, more boring punching warm ups, I think it's more appropriate for this group.
111111 -Day 146 181 Strong day at the Y. Fridays are lifting therapy days at the Y. I keep my best records. 3 rounds.
Round 1: Smith squats (seated style) str8 back isolate butt/upper back thighs.
db press 2 sets 85, 1@95
shin flex 60 3 sets 15-20 reps
anti grav flips 3 sets 6
ab work, sit ups/crunches..
Round 2: inverted leg press (smith) 315-405 no cable 10-12 reps
db pull overs 90 8-10 reps 3 sets
EZ curls standing prog to 35s ea side.
ab work
Round 3: Leg extensions 2 heavy sets, then 1 set leg curls
wide grip pull ups 3 x 8-10
cable tri push down 130-140 10 reps
bent flies 35s 10-12 reps
hanging wipers, decline bench rev leg raises
obliques mat work.
111211 - Day 147 181.5 Swim 1/2 run 1 mile (6.5mph) yoga, abs.. feelin' awesome!! Oh yeah, I ran...
Today has been as much a boost of confidence as a physical triumph. It validates the oft proven concept of physical adaptation to new stimuli, which helps to further encourage me to my ultimate goal.
Of course my best advice to myself.. DON'T GET COCKY!!
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