Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Ruggedness Training January-February 12912-20412

12912 (Sun) Day 225 184.5 back in Philly, may do some light stuff tonight. Got the stress test tomorrow, then GX, maybe i can get a swim in. Note to self, find out about YMCA Lifeguard Training. Sitting home tonight rethinking my workout goals. I think I've cut enough fat and gone in enough different directions to get back to basics. I'd mentioned BtoB earlier in a FB post and I think that's what I need, pre-Spring. 3 days of body builder type lifting, Legs/Back/Chest - Legs/Upper Back/Shoulders - Chest/Tris/Bis - Back/Legs/Tris - and rotate something like that. This is just rain storming.. I'll also have to do it with progressive resistance and keep better notes, even if I don't post them here. Plus I have to get to running again and keep up the swimming.... and eventually swim faster and do swim-run combos. add an actual yoga class and keep up the bod-wt training at work. Full tilt lifestyle, which reminds me... the diet for this... I'll hv to follow my own advice and write down everything I eat, add 2 protein shakes per day and take them more deliberately.Home shoulders training. Gonna need these to bench!.

13012 (Mon) Day 226 183: Stress Test today, then guts & butts... stressed out in so many ways. Rebuilding over night ready for BIG FAT EXERCISE Tuesday!! I think I'll go to the Y before PUMPED if I can.

13112 (Tues) Day 227 180.5 Finished up the month same weight as I started. Now I want to start packing on muscle so it's back to basics if I can get my self together and get to the Y in a couple of hours and THEN teach two classes.. It can be done. Gotta start with a good fueling... breakfast that is. Today I felt like I wanted to go maybe too far: Did a very intense home-workout; shoulders, triceps and biceps this morning, in lieu of going to the Y (didn't budget time well enough.) Then PUMPED - had a very enthusiastic session, the Aqua Box with 2 people. I kinda want to swim tonight, still feel energetic, but who knows how I'll feel in an hour. Mixed a protein shake: 8pz H2O, 7 ice cubes, 1 scoop Casein (blueberry flavor), 1 tbsp hemp protein, handful of blueberries, tbsp peanut butter - blend, tastse pretty good. Second shot of protein sup today. Perhaps body can handle digestion now. Got a 1/4 mi swim in. Weak... I feel like I have to restart from scratch. Added some side and back strokes to the mix this time.


20112 (Wed) Day 228 180.5 FEBRUARY - Make it to the Y, lift heavy, lead Aqua Box, come home, chill... stretch maybe. Made it to the Y for ALPHA Day workout, Legs/Chest/triceps, then walked 30 mins on treadmill steady 3.5 mph, incline up then down max HR 136 - fat burn zone. That's the key, burn fat build muscle stay in fat burn zone post lifting, do intervals from time to time and swim. Oh forgot the morning workout, just a series of push ups, regular, crab, close & shoulders,

20212 (Thurs) Day 229 180.5 - Decided to walk 30 minutes before Functional Fitness Class... it was good, got me hyped but I was dehydrated by the end of the session, triceps and legs cramped.. not too bad, but it happened.

20312 - (Fri) Day 230 - 182 lift therapy It was a Bravo Day which focused on upper back and lower legs & shoulders, I threw in a set of deadlifts for the low back upper thighs connection. I actually have the routine in my phone, believe it or not. Let's see if I can remember:
Barbell shrugs
Shin Flex
Bent Lateral Flies
Calf raises (standing)
Seated Shoulder press - (shoulders are weak and need to be pumped up, but slowly)
Bent 1 arm shrug
Shoulder laterals
Calf press (on leg press machine)
30 minute solder walk 4 mph inclines and intervals.
Also started Mass builder post workout protein shakes. Will probably alternate between protein shakes to see what happens.

20412 (Sat) Day 231 - 182.5 Weight still fluctuating 2-3 lbs from sleep to waking, which is most likely water weight as it has been since keeping records. Swam 1/2 mile today, broken up, 10, 6 then 2 laps then 30 mins on the treadmill walking. I have to change up the swimming since I've abandoned my distance goal, I'll have to focus on becoming stronger and faster. Considering interval swim training. Still need to go 6 laps so maybe I should try to take them faster... get HR up.

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