Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ruggedness Training February 21912-22512

21912 182.5 Sunday #246 - I made the weekend, swimming, yoga and after yoga leg presses and seated calf raises, two things I can't do at the Y. Now I'm tired. Got the night off, nothing to do. So I'll chill, clean, take my daily pic and call it a night. Go big tomorrow.

22012 182 Monday #247 This day was so awesome it took 12 hours of sleep to recover, details later.
Up at 1am to 4am doing chores, back up again at 11am
Chest day at the Y, changed up from the plan:
Incline BB hi wt low reps
flat rev grip bb press (25s)
decline smith w/ cable
pull overs 85 (strong!)
flat flies progressive 20-35 arms wide.
shrugs BB prog 135-225
bent flies.. 45s
Up row bb prog 5s-15s (too much)
Shoulders - seated press 40s low reps
standing laterals 20-25x2
sing arm laterals 15 x 8 reps
Run .75 mi. walked .25
Guts & Butts!
Feeling like another purge happening, fat or protein? wt is consistent, eating also, no cheat days recently - going for an everyother day no meat regimen then work into every 2 days. Will probablyhave to intro carbs/starch back into the rotation and see what happens. Protein supps my replace meals, chicken & fish still in.
Guts & Butts pretty intense must've depleted sugar triceps cramped, honey shot did the trick.

22112 181.5 12 hrs rest, wasn't sleep the whole time.. FaTuesday #248 - I never had a doubt I'd make it here when I started, things have changed, but I expect that as well. It was a double shot - I kind of almost burned out in PUMPED today, so we did early abs while I recovered, ha ha... PT at aqua box Tuesday is not a big day there either they will market it better or drop it, is my guess. Then everyone will miss it. I kind of had to rebuild myself from yesterday and then tomorrow - Y first, then Aqua Box then work.

22212 - 182 (Wednesday) #249 - I realized there's no time to hit the Y before Aqua Box unless I'm off Tuesdays, so Weds become a de facto break day, except when I'm on break from Temple, maybe do home work or shoulders afterwards. Tuna, relish & cheese b4 gx. The usual "stack" honey, bcaa, brewers yeast and OxyE post-gx, very light shoulder work. I think I'm taking too much protein. Probably need to get back to p-husk/ACV regimen along with the new stuff i am doing. Need more travel food too.

22312 (AM Entry) Some decent USA(Trx) work at the gig, dips are pathetic, need more shoulder strength - do more of these even if I'm just holding the pose. Healty elim 5:45am back to regular, maybe p-husk one day ACV the next, will experiment and mix things up. Feel like I've got too much foreign stuff in the bod & not enough food.
PM - 183 Thursday #250 - p-husk did its job 24hoiurs later.. serious elim. ate meat for dinner and over night, turkey chicken tuna yesterday. Chillin today, massage, dinner at Mom's probably meat.
Saw some impressive definition in the upper torso this morning, nice. wondering which part of the routine is working (best.) Had fish at Mom's, it was a good dinner, too much chocolate at work, call it a cheat day.)

22412 (Friday) #251 182.5 Very lethargic today, dreary and rainy, dp ain't right, chocolate I'm guessing. p-husk in the AM post work headed to the Y for legs & pull day (back essentially.)
Legs: strong squats last set 225 x 3 solid & deep!
Leg Press was strong also went beyond the norm (+50 lbs) - need to do these more often at Temple.
Pulls - with hooks & straps - ridiculous!! Feeling strong upper body and core/lower abs. Wore me out, came close to the wall and never did more than 8 reps.
Leg Curls, awesome!! 195 new personal best... progress!!
Leg -X strong, racked the last set 225lbs. Need another place to do these.
Once again a seemingly dull dreary weak day turned out to be very strong if not energetic, glad I didn't ditch it!! Maybe I've learned my body..

22512 (Saturday) #252 182 - Wake up, protein drink, crock pot melange w/ curry/jerk chicken. Vanity day atthe YMCA, all upper body all super sets, can't really remember the order, but something like what follows:
BB shrugs rev grip + wrist curls (bb) the reg grip shrugs and rev grip barbell curls.
Cable and mini str8 bar work:
Up row, shrugs, biceps curls
Bent flies (db) wide rev grip triceps pull down
mini bar curls, shoulder laterals, mini bar military press (rear delt/upper rt tricep pain at first, fine by final set.
Almost decided not to train today...Pisces party tonight.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ruggedness Training February 21212-21812

21212 - (Sunday) #239 182 Chillin at home 182 home shoulders and overnite bod-wit at work.

21312 - 183.5 (Monday) #240 Good strong "Bravo" wk at the Y (details in phone).
New wake up routine; protein drink, then breakfast, NO X pre-workout & honey post workout, soft pretzels, honey almond & papaya dried before next session. (GX). Feel the urge to purge.

21412 - 180 (Tuesday) #241 Got to bed early last night, wake, tea then protein drink & fruit, almonds, yogurt & honey breakfast piddle around the house work... should probably have more substantial food today. Exhausting ZEST session yesterday, chill Aquabox, tired me out. In bed early.

21512 181 (Wednesday) #242 - up @ 4am back to sleep til 11:30am - YMCA chest and arms day then aquabox. Good chest day changed a few things around.
Incline BB press
decline flies (db)
flat press (Dbs)
pull overs (went to 70)
ez bar skull crushers (25 plates)
tri-pres down on lat machine
biceps cable curls /~0~\
mini str8 bar curls
Strong Aqua Box session
Tired and back to work. Days off are like fasting, more supps than food.

21612 181 (Thursday) #243 (I should be measuring today but no time. Will get to it on the wknd.) FF-YMCA: did I just get a headache from eating tuna and cheese? Been doing wake-up protein all week and psy-husk in morn after work (just 1 or 2 days??). Intense FF session, they see to be more intense n the cardio zone which will help me burn more,but i wonder if the shakes & Oxy have anything to do with the alleged(?) energy/intensity increase. Got Vitamin E and flaxseed supps, Pedialite for post workout dextrose, seems expensive for post workout tho, honey is cheaper. Got the aspirin as per doc's recommendation. "baby" aspirin is now "low dose" adult - took one - got a year's worth. I'd better not get a heart attack!! which is unlikely whether i take aspirin or not as the ticker is "normal" which i take to mean normally healthy.
DAY 244

21712 181.5 (Friday) #244 - Lift Therapy... Today was legs and back: Staring with deep squats I pushed the last set up to 205 with 6 solid deep reps!! Then leg presses. 3 sets of wide grip high pull ups (8-10-12) Rev. grip barbell rows with knees close (this makes the balance muscles in the core do more work), High pull (for upper back) seated rows, bent flies (knees close), Peck Deck, lo-to-hi cable crossovers, leg curls* (*180 lbs I haven't done this much in a LONG time, legs have gotten stronger here). Leg extensions, stayed at 195 and increased reps. Oblique work and out!!

21812 - 182.5 (Saturday) #245 - measurement day, OK so I'm a day or two (or more) behind. No matter. Just about every 60 days I measure my belly. I use cm instead of fractions of inches, that would be discouraging and less accurate. I use the same tape measure and the same approximate locations. The last measuring day is up here somewhere. I'm not going to make the whole chart, I'll just note the change from 60 days ago, and from the beginning... 242 days ago. Yes, I'm a bit anal like this.

Top - 97cm + 2cm from last time and +4 from the start - this is due to an expanding back!!
Middle 87.5 - 2.5 - 6cm total!! This is significant, first place I hit my goal of being in the 80s!!!
Bottom 93.5 - 0.5 - 5.5 from the beginning. This is the belly button zone, probably the hardest and it looks like I slowed down in the last 60 days.
Under 94 -0.5 -3.5 another tough zone, the last 60 were small, but overall a significant loss. These areas will have to be dieted and exercised off... and it will take some time.

This actually is encouraging considering the last 60 days included the winter and holiday seasons, usually times of low activity and high caloric (celebration) intake. Next measurement day around day #320 we'll be well into spring and very close to the 1 year mark. Oh yeah, I got a 60 or 90? day supply of OxyElite which is suppose to target belly fat, so we can check if the numbers change significantly. It won't be THAT scientific, but if I make any significant eating changes they will be noted here.

Oh, I signed up for the Broad St. Run, so run training may impact the numbers as well.

Another note before I post this; The last couple of days I've been sleeping straight through to the alarm, where as I usually sleep maybe 4 or 5 hours, wake up and then have to get the last 90 mins. separately.

OK Today's session I posted all over the place: 6 laps swim warm up, than as planned, swim-sprint intervals, basically I swim a fast length, rest, slow swim back and repeat. Did 4 intervals, then ran 3 miles on the treadmill in 35 minutes. That's all. Now I can post.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ruggedness Training February 20512-21112

20512 (Sun) day 232 184 (Sunday) Is it the protein? 10 min treadmill 3.5 mph w/ back back (Temple) 1 hour power yoga w/ Dweeta (Dita). rt shoulder pain when doing side planks. Hope I can keep yoga up thru winter. The test of this session will be in strength, muscle size and reduction in belly size if not weight. Wt should actually increase if I'm adding adequate muscle and shredding fat.

20612 (Mon) Day 233 Awesome workout day lifting at the Y. (wt on chart), Chest day then butts & guts, "C" Day details in phone. I seems to have super energy for gx sessions when I lift for 60-90 mins before. The travel time is the rest period. Even the memories get me stoked!!

20712 (Tues) Day 234 - 183 - Up early, windows and doors going in today. Double shot Tuesday @Temple. Started OxyElite today.

20812 (Wed) Day 235 - (Wednesday) (181.5) Last day of door/window installation, just chilled around the house. Snow - Aqua Box was lite, see what i can do at home tonight maybe lift b4 FF tomorrow @ the Y).

20912 (Thurs) Day 236 - (Thursday) 183 - Pork, chickpeas and spinach for dinner. Aquabox & home shoulders-x last night. Doc's appt today. (now.) Then I'm thinking produce, pull work @ the Y then FF (class) & work.

21012 (Fri) Day 237 182 lbs. Friday lift therapy, a good day at the Y!!

21112 (Sat) Day 238 182 - Cloudy cold snowy day, stayed in even after trying to psyche myself up to swim. One day a da like this won't exist for me. Home shoulders work... feeling stronger I must say and less painful.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Ruggedness Training January-February 12912-20412

12912 (Sun) Day 225 184.5 back in Philly, may do some light stuff tonight. Got the stress test tomorrow, then GX, maybe i can get a swim in. Note to self, find out about YMCA Lifeguard Training. Sitting home tonight rethinking my workout goals. I think I've cut enough fat and gone in enough different directions to get back to basics. I'd mentioned BtoB earlier in a FB post and I think that's what I need, pre-Spring. 3 days of body builder type lifting, Legs/Back/Chest - Legs/Upper Back/Shoulders - Chest/Tris/Bis - Back/Legs/Tris - and rotate something like that. This is just rain storming.. I'll also have to do it with progressive resistance and keep better notes, even if I don't post them here. Plus I have to get to running again and keep up the swimming.... and eventually swim faster and do swim-run combos. add an actual yoga class and keep up the bod-wt training at work. Full tilt lifestyle, which reminds me... the diet for this... I'll hv to follow my own advice and write down everything I eat, add 2 protein shakes per day and take them more deliberately.Home shoulders training. Gonna need these to bench!.

13012 (Mon) Day 226 183: Stress Test today, then guts & butts... stressed out in so many ways. Rebuilding over night ready for BIG FAT EXERCISE Tuesday!! I think I'll go to the Y before PUMPED if I can.

13112 (Tues) Day 227 180.5 Finished up the month same weight as I started. Now I want to start packing on muscle so it's back to basics if I can get my self together and get to the Y in a couple of hours and THEN teach two classes.. It can be done. Gotta start with a good fueling... breakfast that is. Today I felt like I wanted to go maybe too far: Did a very intense home-workout; shoulders, triceps and biceps this morning, in lieu of going to the Y (didn't budget time well enough.) Then PUMPED - had a very enthusiastic session, the Aqua Box with 2 people. I kinda want to swim tonight, still feel energetic, but who knows how I'll feel in an hour. Mixed a protein shake: 8pz H2O, 7 ice cubes, 1 scoop Casein (blueberry flavor), 1 tbsp hemp protein, handful of blueberries, tbsp peanut butter - blend, tastse pretty good. Second shot of protein sup today. Perhaps body can handle digestion now. Got a 1/4 mi swim in. Weak... I feel like I have to restart from scratch. Added some side and back strokes to the mix this time.


20112 (Wed) Day 228 180.5 FEBRUARY - Make it to the Y, lift heavy, lead Aqua Box, come home, chill... stretch maybe. Made it to the Y for ALPHA Day workout, Legs/Chest/triceps, then walked 30 mins on treadmill steady 3.5 mph, incline up then down max HR 136 - fat burn zone. That's the key, burn fat build muscle stay in fat burn zone post lifting, do intervals from time to time and swim. Oh forgot the morning workout, just a series of push ups, regular, crab, close & shoulders,

20212 (Thurs) Day 229 180.5 - Decided to walk 30 minutes before Functional Fitness Class... it was good, got me hyped but I was dehydrated by the end of the session, triceps and legs cramped.. not too bad, but it happened.

20312 - (Fri) Day 230 - 182 lift therapy It was a Bravo Day which focused on upper back and lower legs & shoulders, I threw in a set of deadlifts for the low back upper thighs connection. I actually have the routine in my phone, believe it or not. Let's see if I can remember:
Barbell shrugs
Shin Flex
Bent Lateral Flies
Calf raises (standing)
Seated Shoulder press - (shoulders are weak and need to be pumped up, but slowly)
Bent 1 arm shrug
Shoulder laterals
Calf press (on leg press machine)
30 minute solder walk 4 mph inclines and intervals.
Also started Mass builder post workout protein shakes. Will probably alternate between protein shakes to see what happens.

20412 (Sat) Day 231 - 182.5 Weight still fluctuating 2-3 lbs from sleep to waking, which is most likely water weight as it has been since keeping records. Swam 1/2 mile today, broken up, 10, 6 then 2 laps then 30 mins on the treadmill walking. I have to change up the swimming since I've abandoned my distance goal, I'll have to focus on becoming stronger and faster. Considering interval swim training. Still need to go 6 laps so maybe I should try to take them faster... get HR up.

Ruggedness Training January 12212-12812

Falling behind on updates, most likely because I realize i don't have an audience. Have to remember I'll be my audience 3-5 years from now.

12212 (Sunday) Day 218 - 184 lbs. just hoping this is solid weight and not fat. Legs are looking ripped!! Home workout, abs and shoulder work.. lite. Good news from the scale, 14% body fat, suggests the weight gain is either muscle or water or a combo of both. Lifting at the Y (details later) Group Xercise at Temple... that's a good day for me!

12312 (Monday) Day 219 - 183.5 Purge Day Went to the YMCA before guts & butts, which is going to be my new routine. I went all out today, full body weight lifting, super sets, then went and led the session at Temple. My note says it was a Good overall workout day.

12412 (Tuesday) Day 220 184.5 Wondering what's up with the weight gain. Temple double shot today, PUMPED & Aqua Box.

I don't think I should be 'noid about the wt gain since the look is still leaner, measurements coming in less than a month. Continuing bod-wit stuff at work, maybe drink more water, eat more fruit & raw. Core is still strong, balance good but should probably stretch more and longer.

12512 (Wednesday) Day 221 - 182.5 Vietnamese (?) Post GX and that held me over. The wt drop is probably due to food & H2O, maybe a little muscle:fat change. Feel like I should run, possibly hit the Y for some HIIT on the treadmill and take a break from swimming until next week, unless the 15th St Y (Brooklyn) has a [pool (they don't). It's cool how cool stuff just seems to come my way. Thanks J-Doc for the sammich.
YMCA - 30 mins treadmill kept it level 2:30 mins warm up then 30 sec. sprint, then increase sprint time to 45 sec. decrease recovery time equally.
Then bod-wit stuff, hanging ab work, leg and torso stretch, All after Aqua Box!!
Seems like my legs got both stronger and heavier & my stride had widened. I don't remember sprinting 8-9.8 mph without my legs going like a lawn mower.Progress, I need HIIT again to ease back into long runs, I think.

12612 (Thursday) Day 222 Functional Fitness at the YMCA. 180.5

12712 (Friday) Day 223 - 182.5 headed to Brooklyn, Happy Birthday Stazja.. :-) Out drinking ruggedly.

12812 (Sat) Day 224 - No Wt. At this point I'm ready to call this a break, a decadent lost weekend. Lots of drink, eating out with bread and good food. Brooklyn eating and drinking traditions.