Saturday, October 01, 2011

Ruggedness Training September-Oct..: 92411-100111

It's been a FULL week. I even managed to run and practice Yoga and I also got some Insanity clips.. only to find out this is what I've been doing in GX sessions for a few years now. No wonder people have asked me if I knew about or "did" Insanity. If I get house bound this winter I'll use Insanity to heat my house... I should practice it anyway to get my own energy level and cardio up. This plateau needs to be BUSTED!! but GOOD!

92511 - Day 99 - DONE!!! Finished the classroom portion of the course. Woke up early, jumped on tramp, did push ups, went to class... did my presentation. Now I can get back to running etc. Focus on Urbanathalon now... 184.5.

92611 - Day 100 - Wake up Milestone day, sunny day, extra sleep.. Get up 5 mins on tramp, 50 air squats, 2 x 100 calf raises, push ups 3 sets (fingers pointed backwards, week 2) 30-20-10 Maybe Yoga?? (maybe not). 2 GX Classes at Temple. 2 very awesome, very dynamic gx sessions at Temple today. Can I get up and run thru the woods tomorrow?? Can I get a massage this saturday and take Dweeta's yoga class??? Here comes day 100..

92711 - Day 101 WOW... 183.5 16% BF: What I'm concerned about is the belly fat. One goal of this program is to get my belly down into the 80s.. centimeters that is. I don't know if i noted the beginning measurement but they were all in the low-mid 90s. Belly fat is always a challenge but especially for old heads. This is one of my challenges, another one I intend to conquer, because this is what I do, there is no deadline, just results. If I don't get the results i want, i have to change up. Anyway - two good sessions today Turf and Surf... at Temple. Feel like I can do my push up routine, maybe a set or two.

92811 Day 102,  I came home from work feeling VERY GOOD!!! 184 today after a double ritual. Easy day, Aqua Box and that's all.. I did some morning jumping 1 set of the weekly push ups and some stretches. This day is needed to recover, however I may do some vanity weights when i get home. Cheers for now. Good aqua session, there's still time for a short lifting session... but i'm hungry.

92911 Day 103 - I may still run... 183.5 17%. Looking at the weight chart I've gained slow steady wt over the past two months. i believe this to be muscle wt as my BF% according to a scale I don't trust, has remained steady, also my clothes seem looser, except for my shirts.. upper body area getting tight. People have noticed shoulders coming into shape, and that vein or artery that runs down the biceps becomes more and more visible, this to me indicates subcutaneous fat loss - basically my arms are becoming leaner. As for my belly - measurements are still about 20 days away. I (think) i can see more detail in the upper six - the lower two remained covered by some flab, the flab "they" say I won't be able to get rid of... which is what keeps me going, trying everything short of starvation and surgery - I don't want it THAT bad, plus it's something i feel i need to prove to myself one way or the other.
Today as usual - the morning routine, jump on tramp, squats (deep), calf raises, oh and some toy pistols just to get my knees acclimated to what I want them to do. (left knee seems loose, some pain, but nothing that stops me... ) then those (fingers back) push ups.. never got more than 25, but it's time to ditch them. Next week diamonds and I'm even thinking incline diamonds... daily for a week if I can get to 50 + two weeks if I don't.
OK to the Y for Functional Fitness. 55 minute class and 1 mile treadmill run 6.5 mph - rebroke the ice... is was good. Legs feel strong and limber... they are carrying the load better. :-)

93011 - Day 104 183.5 17.5% 69 degrees - OK< so my thru-the-woods course has changed dramatically. It was all muddy, in fact This was an accidental warrior mud run, sans burning rocks. In some places the trail was flooded, the workmen were down there with their machines.. I had to go off track into very rugged swampy terrain where I sank up to my knees in mud/ I decided to bag it, but to get out of the park i had to scale a 45 degree hill.. I used roots, branches and fallen trees to pull myself up. Then I finished the 2 miles on the paved course. I finished in 30 minutes what it normally takes me 20-25. (Had a few rum drinks last night, no hangover, probably due to disciplined consumption, H2O between cocktails and coconut water this morning when i woke up, oh yeah and psyllium husk before bed last night. let me note sore left trap... Completely exhausted and fatigued myself at the Y - introduced 3x3 3 circuit sets 3 exercises, one main body part (chest) db press, shin flexers, barbell squats 3 rotations; then incline bb press, preacher curls, db swings; decline db press, t-bar rows, dips - by this set I was about done, reps dropped. I'm going to try and keep this up thru October, perhaps thru the fall. I want the Fall focus to be on upper body strength, and leg endurance... aka running..


100111 - Day 105 183.5 woke up dehydrated, no surprise, I can feel it now. trampoline, calf raises, 2 x 75, some squats and diamond push ups 12 slow ones, i can probably do a few more today. Happily sore after yesterday's 3x3 experiment.. more chest, upper back than legs.. so far. Got some Insanity episodes, a lot of it is what i've ben doing in GX for years, but still got some good ideas and I know it will help. Might use them at home, if/when i am ever stuck at home. Otherwise I know i can adapt some of the moves for group fitness. Yeah, it works.. no doubt. Yoga today at Temple, then rest, then work... Maybe a run or some leg presses at Temple, don't know yet, depends on the crowd. Yoga with Dweeta, interesting.. she runs a flow and then adds weight/ Some leg presses// 3 sets, can still press over 600.. legs are strong. I should take a weight b4 I post this... maybe not, since I just ate. Gained a pound last month. Probably muscle considering what I've been doing. down 1 pound over the last 6 months. This is why I say maintenance is a myth... I train steadily and even go harder, or so I think and I maintain weight... but to be fair and honest the body style, flexibility, endurance has improved so it's more than maintenance.

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