Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ruggedness Training October..:101611-102211

Good thing nobody's reading, I've been spelling october wrong all month. Ha ha. Maybe this will become a podcast.

101611: Day 120 - 184.5 woke up dehydrated, coco water really helped. lots of h2o at work, feel like I peed out a gallon during the shift/ 50 pu w/ vest.

101711: Day 121 - 182 Food drop, guts and butts at Temple 55 push up with the vest, some squats and some db presses.

101811 - Day 122 - 182 no solid food today in preparation for the medical test, plus got the cleanse formula, nothing organic about this. i keep telling myself "I will NOT be hungry."

101911 - Day 123 - procedure day 180.5, nothing to it, didn't feel a thing and the fact that I dropped only 1.5 lbs suggests i am not carrying around a lot of waste in me. I used procedure day weight as a control... anything more than 180.5 is probably food/ liquid. Maybe I'll put on some more muscle this year. Ideally I'd be measuring my belly today, but... oh yeah, still did the aqua class.. felt fine.

102011 - Day 124 - 183.5 still recuperating, got lots of sleep yesterday so I was up before the sun today, got some chores done, walked and carried groceries. YMCA this afternoon for functional fitness, then who knows what?? strength is coming back, didn't realize it had gone until I took that walk..

102111 - Day 125 180.5 This is what I call control weight since the cleanse. I'm 3 days late but here's the 60 day eval. First I've lost a few centimeters off my belly, which was the point of this whole thing anyway. I'm not in the 80s yet, but I have made progress, I may post the numbers at some point. It's a VERY slow process, especially as I am still engaged in some decadent lifestyle choices; I still go out drinking and occasionally indulge in rich foods. I have to admit to being a bit, well, VERY disappointed in my running, once more I have slacked and I am going to have to force myself back into it. The strength training and group fitness have done a wonderful job. I am visibly leaner in both arms and legs and even the stomach, although I can't call myself RIPPED yet... I am still at it. The original Get Ripped project started in 2005!!! I'm not angry, I continue to make progress.
As we head into the winter months it's time for changes in both eating and lifting. as I switch to a more plant based diet (although i will still eat meats, just not as much) I will also lift heavier and probably run less. The classes remain, however I've learned to coach more and participate less. Last winter I didn't gain a lot of weight, which means winter doesn't equal automatic weight gain. Same plan for this year, in fact i think I can continue to drop/maintain (fat weight) and gain muscle.
So far today I've done 50 v-pushups... headed to the Y for therapeutic lifting.
Awesome day at the Y!! Exhausting too.
So here's today's Y workout - I know this is a long entry. (the 3x3 concept is in play on fridays)
round 1: Inverted leg press on Smith (no cable) 3 sets followed by calf presses same wt.; standing calf raises; shin flex, inverted pull ups
r2: db press (85s) decreasing reps will not be advancing next week; preacher curls, increasing wt. 25+5+2.5 ea. side; db triceps b-neck press.
r3: Barbell shrugs 265 lbs, 12+ reps; bent flies 40 -->45s; T-bar row 45+35 too heavy, but will work into it.
r4: Close grip pull ups; triceps cable press down, db shoulder flies.
Stretch - go home

102211: Day 126 - 180 - All body work today YMCA
Criss crosses jacks & squats 12s... 4L (Lunge ladder leg lacerators 12s!!, hi kicks over bench, butt raise (90 secs), lateral leg raises 60 secs. roll ups, roll into push ups, plyo push ups, 2 sets of 6 - ab work, pretty brutal.. I didn't list everything b/c I forgot some. Rush home, go to Brigitte bon voyage dinner.

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