Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Today's Account: 80311

Today's Account: 80311

That's me, "Jack of all trades. Master of fun!" To whom do I owe this quote? I'm not sure. I'll find out.

I am, above all else, a thinker; j'imagine. Writing comes in a very close second for it is the manifestation of my thoughts. As a thinker/writer, I of course love words, I love conversation and communicating. Although I try not to, I must admit to taking offense towards, or shall I say from those, who fail to reciprocate my initiated communication. I acknowledge their right not to, however I acknowledge my right to consider them rude.

Progressing - the word "whimsy" has been bouncing around in my mental lexicon for the better part of a year now, perhaps longer. Most of what I've done, including military service, my current profession and publishing two semi-successful independent magazines have been done without much planning. My mantra has been, "Wouldn't it be cool if..." and I subsequently made "If" happen.

One declaration I have never made is, "Wouldn't it be cool if I was famous?" Because I know it wouldn't. I eschew attention, going so far as not just changing my name, but completely changing my identity, when I stepped into what we shall reluctantly call, "the scene." (I stopped short of plastic surgery as I've been told I look different every time I show up somewhere, anyway.)

Let me change gears here before this becomes a chapter of my unauthorized auto-biography, and get on with my original thought for today.

This is where the statement, "Don't get me wrong" would go if I actually cared about being misunderstood. By all means, misconstrue what I write. Be very confused about what I say and what I mean. Please note the contradictions and bring them to my attention... onward.

I am truly loving my lifestyle at the "moment" (consider this moment the 21st century) especially the past seven years. I live alone in a three bedroom row home, I do little more than show up to my job and when i do have "work" to do it's something I enjoy doing. By day I'm a fitness trainer, my clients (in some cases employers) are two universities and the YMCA. I train on land and in the water, both of these activities help to keep me in shape, and i schedule my weeks with enough time to train myself. My endorphins are in over drive and I'm never more than 90 minutes from the next natural high.

For a while I wished I could pack this life in a suitcase and take it out to San Diego, and do everything I'm doing here, out there, with perhaps a little bit of laptop deejaying for Sunday brunches at a little cafe in Pacific Beach. Wouldn't THAT be cool? However, as un imaginaire, I have bigger fantasies... which I think I will have to reveal later, as I don't want to jinx myself.


I've spent a lot of time on the internet becoming a member of this or that social network, website, blog page or whatever. These pages have been sitting their dormant for maybe 3 or 4 years just yearning for my words to once again dance on them, incite imagination and spread whimsey. Of course being a man of whims, this could be the first and last account of the day... or maybe not.

I'll probably return, "Maybe sooner, maybe later, maybe never." To whom do I owe this quote??? I'm not sure.

I'll find out.


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