Saturday, August 06, 2011

Ruggedness August: 80111 - 80611

Here's the first weekly post as promised... I don't bother with spell check, these are just notes for me to refer back to later. If you want to follow along, you are welcome to, any questions, drop a comment - Thanks..

August 2011:

80111 - Strong day 44: To the Y to press wt.!! Got 2 30 rep sets (leg press and lat pull down) See book. Don't feel like writing too much now. Started off with the push up process... will explain later if u haven't seen the video. 182 lbs... 16% BF 1 hr after wake up. Took the nite off for something that didn't work out. An extra nite off is never a bad thing. Oh yes... The daily push up process is in effect also. Will have to explain this for the sake of new readers.

80211- Day 45: PUMPED at Temple, Push up process (high) i PUMPED at Temple today, details on this later. Shooting hoops with the boy for about an hour, and didn't get worn out. Fitness is dashizzle!!

80311 Day 46 - 182 steady 3 days start with movement, light squats jump on trampoline which I usually do just haven't mentioned, push up process 3rd day of this.. This shish is HARD!! haven't gotten thru the whole process yet. 20 laps at the YMCA, 10 regular, 10 breast stroke. Towards the end I was getting two str8 laps... about 20 minutes total... Not bad, first time out in years, May have to dedicate 1 day a week to swimming laps.. Ruggedness baby!

80411 - Day 47 182 needed to rehydrate this am 20%, later 17% pushup process (hi) I FF at the Y, Aqua at UPenn, both went well.. now the nite gig... Looking fwd to Friday

80511 - Day 48 - 182.5 SPACERB day at the YMCA, just a lot of movement that got me out of breath quickly. Basically I did a hard core version of my class which included a lot of jumping, broncos, squat pul up push up combos and a good amount of stretching towards the end. I was tired before I started, which is par for the week, but I pushed on.. Lots of shadow boxing and shadow kicking a la class, but I won't bring this stuff to the sessions anytime soon. Took protein & waximaize before, banana and two slices of pizza post... cheat day perhaps???

80611 - Day 49

183 lbs... Woke up and gave myself another hour of rest, rt ankle was tender so I went for a swim instead of sprinting, determined to do 1/2 mile (18 laps or 36 lengths says the YMCA's all time lap leader a 79 year old retired doctor.) Achieved in a combo of crawls, breast strokes and inverted breast stroeks, which is basically the beast stroke on ur back. Then did 30 minutes on the elliptical and yoga stretch/breathe out - Then a big 730 PM "breakfast" at Perkins w/ French Toast... filling. I have taken to reminding myself that the military has (tried) to make me a Super Seabee...

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