Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bizarro Dream # 10707

Bizarro Dream # 10707

I was actually trying NOT to write this one down; mainly because it’s a bit complex. There are a lot of details.

It starts, from what I can remember, with a conversation with an actor. He’s one of those guys like William Macy who you’ve seen hundreds of times but never knew his name. He made sure I remembered his name and everytime I began to come out of sleep I’d say his name, David Edwards. I even dreamed that I looked him up on the internet and I have a mental image of him in my head. However I can’t put an actual name to his face.

The conversation was casual, although it began to seem like an interview. Sometimes I tend to “interview” people during casual conversations. Mr. Edwards didn’t seem to mind. I can’t seem to remember any of the actual questions I asked him, however I do recall alluding to whether it bothered him that no one knew his name.

Okay, so after that I find myself on my way to work. I purposely walk down the park side of the street. One thing I picked up from my acting coach, (from way back when) was I had choices. I could choose to walk on the side of the street with the garbage, or the side with the flowers. I’ve always remembered that, even though it seems like simple common sense, sometimes these dormant ideas need a catalyst.

Anyway I was walking along the parkway and I see some friends of mine coming from a training session. They are all lawyers, public defenders or some such, and all female. (These are real people you’ve seen in pictures.) I figured I’d go over and say hello and walk them home. Normally down the hill there’s a track and a baseball diamond, but in the dream there’s a lake. A strong wind starts to blow from the south. It’s one of those winds you can hear as well as feel. Men in government issued windbreakers have shown up. There’s a sailboat on the lake moving as if it were motorized, that’s how fast the wind was blowing. The men draw high powered rifles and aim for the boat. One of my female friends draws a revolver – I am shocked!! (She never seemed the gun-toting type to me.) She says to me I shouldn’t see what she has to do, as she’s aiming her weapon at the sailboat and advises me to take cover. I am stunned and scared, so I hide. I hear all these gun shots going off. They seem to be going both ways, i.e. someone is shooting back.

When it’s over I don’t know what has been accomplished. Apparently someone got a tip that if they saw someone in the water with a goat, (this is not a type o, in my dream they said goat and not boat), they should take action.

Now that I’ve written and posted this dream I might be able to forget it. But wait until I see my friend and tell her that she was in my dream. I’m sure I’ll get the same puzzled look I always get.


Yesterday I leave the house to find a pigeon sitting on the back of my car. Stazja came out and took a picture. I thought about what do to about it. I figured maybe it would fly away and I opened the door, nope… when I closed the door and started the car, nope. I think the wind blew it off. It was mangy and might have not been able to fly. I don’t think it flew off as much as it was blown off the back of the car as I drove off.

This is the type of stuff that stands out to me because it doesn’t happen very often. Once, out of all the cars parked on my block some cat decided to jump on mine; I had to coax him off with a bucket of water.

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