Monday, September 12, 2011

Ruggedness Training September: 90411-91011

I have to admit I haven't been getting out and running as much as i probably should. I have had two dynamic run sessions this week, (I think) also I haven't had the chance to swim... crazy work and now school schedule. We'll see how ths shapes up.

90411 - Day 78, I go crazy when I don't have anything to do!! Break day, but tomorrow I start the 50-100 push ups to start my day. Those were good days, and running thru the woods. I think that combination, along with GX and 1 or 2 lifting days a week will get me in shape for NY.

90511 - Day 79 (Labor Day) 182.5 @Wake 77 degrees... as imagined, wake up, jump on trampoline, 65 push ups, (this time we'll go for straight digits nothing fancy) some rev crunches... then to the park.. 3 mile ruggedness run thru the woods, 41 mins 22 secs. full gear (hiking boots and hand weight gloves) finished 180.5 lbs, then recovery shake. I mentioned the plan last entry, however I think I should reenforce it: Wake up, jump a lil bit 1-3 mins... push ups, til I feel them, lower abs then run 1 - to maybe 4 times a week.. I really won't have time to do 4, but if i put it in my mind I just may hit a 4-run week here and there. Ready for 5K, even though I probably won't run one.

90611 - Day 80: Cold and rainy, off of a labor day festivity, so eating/drinking, but not too much. Came in at 185, woke up at 183.5 - the official wt has yet to be measured. They say it takes 40 days to make a habit.. Today is day 2 (oh don't get started) of wake up routine: 2 mins trampoline, 70 push ups, 50 leg raises, show of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - then we get started. This I'll brave the rain and hit the Y for a rare Tuesday... lift day. One week until I return to Temple. 183.5 it is... Only +3 lbs from post run wt. Not bad... but I gotta get into the 170s and stay there. was kind of disappointed w/ the leg press, then remembered i ran 3 miles thru the woods yesterday. Didn't get too many 30s, shin flex (moved to 45s) and I forget what else. Oh ; did 2 sets of 30 1-legged inverse leg press (135) first time doing that. Peanut Butter blast shake after.

90711 - Day 81: Came in at 186.5 and 14% BF, which made me happy. I'll do the math later. Had a casein shake b4 bed - that shish to always too frickin' thick. Need to cut the scoop in half and use 8 oz of liquid. Wake up, 3 mins tramp jump, 75 push ups & rev crunches. So far. Looks like 82 out. 2 mile run, humid.. slow pace.. meeting at temple. 15 mins of zumba, glad i ran...

90811 - Day 82 - 1 min trampoline, 60 p/u 60 rev crunches, cross legged get-ups: Today my be a day when i stay home, practice yoga, stretch and balance.. and the stuff i say I need to do but somehow don't do. This is a VERY rare Thursday that i have no GX classes, it's raining, dreary and I am not very motivated to hit the gym. So it's Home-work. 182.5 17% when the wake up routine was done. 40 more p/u (this may be a day for lots of sets of push ups...) 30 crab p/u: think i'll do a different style of push ups each day, see how many i can do and what the results will be. Yoga pose practice...

90911 - Day 83 - Friday at the Y-day: Jump, plyo, combos, rollups, broncos and stuff, I was exhausted. 182.5 or some such. On days like this there are no weights to record, most of this stuff is done for time. It was a very dynamic day, exhausting but satisfying. What I have to do is start including the casualty list: Left knee was weakened, I think... it didn't start hurting until hours later as I was walking down the street. Will have to band it up. Oh yeah Iced it .. heat tomorrow.

91011 - Day 84 - Moving right along 181.5 last night was a cheat nite, had a couple of dark beers and french fries, with veggie burger out. Need those every once in a while. Very little if any training this weekend. Mostly home stuff.. I am back taking classes. Hope i can keep up.

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