Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ruggedness Training September: 91811-92411

This entry brings me up to date, Ready to close out September and move into October which means, heavy lifting for the next 5 or 6 months. Also have to train for the Urbanathalon at the end of october, so I think this part of ruggedness will be back to running the woods, the normal GX stuff and some HEAVY upper body training.. back to where I started.. light squats various leg work for toning, speed and ignition... and I should be good!!! I'm psyched.

91811 - Day 92 - Another day of class... then work, then I can get back to my routine for a week.

91911 - Day 93 183.5 don't know whether it's the change in the weather, the diet of lowered activity, but weight gain up and intensity level down. Feel kind of bad for taking TNT class to far to hard.. and need to keep GnB (Gutts n Butts) more disciplined. Meanwhile - wake up, trampoline, more calf and ankle work.. ankles and feet feel weak and sore these days... - don't over do it tho - haven't run in too long, maybe friday I'll ditch the gym and run a lil bit. New push up week not sure what to call these, but my hands are behind my chest, trying to push up from a dif angle, It was tough but I did 3 sets.. 2, 5s and a 10.. OY!

92011- Day 94 181.5 with 28-30% (as measured by the scale) body fat. I am wondering if over night creatine drinks are causing this? This has only been a couple of days, plus I drink tea at work too. Maybe I didn't get enough H2O yesterday? Better keep an eye on this... Oh yeah more honey than usual too. and No psyllium husk. PUMPED and Aqua Box today. two good energetic sessions. My legs, esp inner thighs are sore... must be the deep squats maybe.. I like the feeling must do this more often.

92111 - Day 95 - See book? Aqua GX (From the book 184.5) I wondered if I was holding food in b/c of no phys-husk, elim felt bad, hard and... well TMI just in case someone else is reading.. in case you are however and stools are slow moving and hard, try psyllium husk.. it's awesome. 5 mins on tramp today took 4l Lunges up to 10s.. (at home) inner thigh was ignited, and felt like it would cramp up but didn't.

92211 - Day 96 184.5 A strong GX session at the Y I was super hyped and energetic. How do I maintain this?? Suddenly legs stopped hurting... as in soreness, it was a GREAT day!!

92311 - Day 97 - Rainy slow start Friday But I'm going to the Y to lift. 184.5 seems like good solid weight. clothes are no tighter and body fat seems to be steady in the range I'm used to. Almost 1/3 of the way through. Wow, today was tiring, despite that I hit lots of stations starting out with free squats, in fact that was the first stop on a leg rotation, to calf raises, anterior shin flexes, lots of leg stretching trying to open up the lower pevis/groin area. Then a round of 1 legged inverted leg presses, and dumbbell presses - 2 sets of 20 w/ 60 lbs, then moved to 70s... it's time to ease into heavier weights and lesser reps. However my body/mind has gotten used to doing 20-30 reps so the 70 lb eps were 15 and ten. T-bar rows were challenging b/c I was fatigued and hadn't done them for a while. 3 sets 10,12,15.. single leg extensions and that was it for me. I'm satisfied with the session

92411 - Day 98 182.5 H2O is low, I can't remember the last time I did a sun salutation. All day I'll be in class today. Jumped on tramp already. The day caught up with me, exhaustion.

Ruggedness Training September: 91111-91711

Hello me... what do I want to remind myself of this week. This was the week I started training in ESL. At the point of this post I have passed the seminar but I still have more to do. Meanwhile GX has been awesome, very high energy, very hot (with body heat) rooms/sessions... More to follow...

91111 - Day 85 - 182.. already gaining weight, ha, just kidding. No training yesterday, spent the day in class and will likely do the same today. However today, 8 hours of class and then a few hrs off then off to work. Maybe I can get some training done there. Maybe i can at least jump on the tramp today and maybe a few push ups before class. It sounds odd writing and thinking, "class." had the left knee wrapped most of yesterday, after an icing and heat rub , it's better today. sat in class all day GX starts tmr, restart Arginine as well.. start 1.5 gm per day then increase to 3 next week... maybe in 2 wks, we'll see. I should have time to run b4 Temple also. I should split the year into 3 parts so after 122 days I'll open another document. (Just notes to myself. Hwevr - i feel i'll lose this in an archive.) No matter it's online and not THAT important.

91211 - Day 86 - Today we return to Arginine and start doing different types of push ups for our morning routine. Also GX begins again at all locations including Mondays at Temple so I'll only be getting to the Y on Fridays at least for now, maybe weekend will open up in 2 weeks. Started with the trampoline, wonder if I have time to run, seems like a good day for it 72 degrees, we'll see, got some chores to do. Crab style 50-20-30-(easier w/ a longer break)-40-hitting these between chores I find it a good way to do it and they get easier the more I do. Awesome GX session... great group.... 1/4 - 1/2 mile run from train with backpack and full pockets.. ouch.

91311 - Day 87 GX was awesome yesterday. I think I od'd on protein tho, didn't count the grams, just the results. Woke up 182.5 today, feeling dry and crampy b/c we rocked legs lots yesterday. 3 mins tramp, more crab push ups 55- PUMPED and Aqubox at Temple wore my ass out!!

91411 - Day 88 182.5 holding steady, 63 push ups... +55, Aqua Box was great!! I led the class and got a good sweat, didn't come home exhausted... EZ Day.. YMCA tomorrow...

91511 - Day 89 182: Ate my last microwave meal last night. Haven't lifted or run all week, however lots of group fitness activity, doing the usual walking up steps etc. Push ups when I wake up, crab style.. Today so far 40+40+ Then GX at the Y... guess all the activity is working, I am tired... seem to be sleeping well, could use more hydration tho I think. 50 more +30 after GX... Good session at the Y.

91611- Day 90 - Lost track of the days now that i'm much busier i may not update daily... anyway, 182.5 today. Can't decide whether this is maintenance or a plateau. 182 isn't a bad weight for me, it keeps me under overweight status (BMI wise) I am however very dissatisfied with my belly, I can see the cuts coming and the 6 emerging, but there's that flab, probably left over from when I was in the 200s. I need to do more actual training for the run in NY, I've done no running in I don't know how many days. Today I did a very short run with the backpack on after the Y workout, which was good. Let me recount -
Leg circuit: Inverted leg press 435, didn't get any 30s but I did do more than 15 each of 3 sets. Then 30 calf presses, then went to standing calf raises, then feet flex w/ 40 lbs, and finally dumbbell swings w/ 65 lbs.. only 6-8 reps total... it's brutal.. Dumbbell presses with 60s, then incline bar (only) press... Lat pull downs, got a 30 so I added a brick, shoulder flies and triceps cable push super set.. then out...

91711 - Day 91 - Ha on day 91 I'm sitting in a class for 8 hours. I guess rest is a good workout in a way...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ruggedness Training September: 90411-91011

I have to admit I haven't been getting out and running as much as i probably should. I have had two dynamic run sessions this week, (I think) also I haven't had the chance to swim... crazy work and now school schedule. We'll see how ths shapes up.

90411 - Day 78, I go crazy when I don't have anything to do!! Break day, but tomorrow I start the 50-100 push ups to start my day. Those were good days, and running thru the woods. I think that combination, along with GX and 1 or 2 lifting days a week will get me in shape for NY.

90511 - Day 79 (Labor Day) 182.5 @Wake 77 degrees... as imagined, wake up, jump on trampoline, 65 push ups, (this time we'll go for straight digits nothing fancy) some rev crunches... then to the park.. 3 mile ruggedness run thru the woods, 41 mins 22 secs. full gear (hiking boots and hand weight gloves) finished 180.5 lbs, then recovery shake. I mentioned the plan last entry, however I think I should reenforce it: Wake up, jump a lil bit 1-3 mins... push ups, til I feel them, lower abs then run 1 - to maybe 4 times a week.. I really won't have time to do 4, but if i put it in my mind I just may hit a 4-run week here and there. Ready for 5K, even though I probably won't run one.

90611 - Day 80: Cold and rainy, off of a labor day festivity, so eating/drinking, but not too much. Came in at 185, woke up at 183.5 - the official wt has yet to be measured. They say it takes 40 days to make a habit.. Today is day 2 (oh don't get started) of wake up routine: 2 mins trampoline, 70 push ups, 50 leg raises, show of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - then we get started. This I'll brave the rain and hit the Y for a rare Tuesday... lift day. One week until I return to Temple. 183.5 it is... Only +3 lbs from post run wt. Not bad... but I gotta get into the 170s and stay there. was kind of disappointed w/ the leg press, then remembered i ran 3 miles thru the woods yesterday. Didn't get too many 30s, shin flex (moved to 45s) and I forget what else. Oh ; did 2 sets of 30 1-legged inverse leg press (135) first time doing that. Peanut Butter blast shake after.

90711 - Day 81: Came in at 186.5 and 14% BF, which made me happy. I'll do the math later. Had a casein shake b4 bed - that shish to always too frickin' thick. Need to cut the scoop in half and use 8 oz of liquid. Wake up, 3 mins tramp jump, 75 push ups & rev crunches. So far. Looks like 82 out. 2 mile run, humid.. slow pace.. meeting at temple. 15 mins of zumba, glad i ran...

90811 - Day 82 - 1 min trampoline, 60 p/u 60 rev crunches, cross legged get-ups: Today my be a day when i stay home, practice yoga, stretch and balance.. and the stuff i say I need to do but somehow don't do. This is a VERY rare Thursday that i have no GX classes, it's raining, dreary and I am not very motivated to hit the gym. So it's Home-work. 182.5 17% when the wake up routine was done. 40 more p/u (this may be a day for lots of sets of push ups...) 30 crab p/u: think i'll do a different style of push ups each day, see how many i can do and what the results will be. Yoga pose practice...

90911 - Day 83 - Friday at the Y-day: Jump, plyo, combos, rollups, broncos and stuff, I was exhausted. 182.5 or some such. On days like this there are no weights to record, most of this stuff is done for time. It was a very dynamic day, exhausting but satisfying. What I have to do is start including the casualty list: Left knee was weakened, I think... it didn't start hurting until hours later as I was walking down the street. Will have to band it up. Oh yeah Iced it .. heat tomorrow.

91011 - Day 84 - Moving right along 181.5 last night was a cheat nite, had a couple of dark beers and french fries, with veggie burger out. Need those every once in a while. Very little if any training this weekend. Mostly home stuff.. I am back taking classes. Hope i can keep up.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Ruggedness Training: 82911-90311

Looks like I gave you 8 days last week, so you only get 6 this week. Wait. Who am I talking to?? Is anybody reading?? Doesn't matter. This is my time capsule.

82911 - Day 72 181 19.5% Body Fat.. this is just a guideline, I don't believe it's accurate b/c it fluctuates too much. Anyway - this drop is typical after a night off of work and no "meal." Up early today running errands, realizing I won't get them all done.. The no-priority stuff will have to wait. However I MUST lift today.. I feel strong and even if I am a bit sleepy, once I get in the gym I'll be energized. As predicted.. energized, even tho i didn't get 30 on the leg press I got 2 on the dumbbell chest press.. 1st & 4th sets.. awesome!! added triceps push downs today.
Exercise list:
Inverted leg press,
dumbbell swings,
potato sack squats,
calve presses (inverted & standing),
shin flexes, 25 lbs-35lbs...
Dumbbell press 50 lbs.
DB pull overs 70 lbs (15, 12, 10)
Lat pull downs, (90lbs)
db shoulder press 35s 3 sets,
triceps cable press down.. 3 sets 100 lbs 12-15 reps.. that's all folks.

83011 - Day 73.. 181.5 (drop from 185.5 when I got in) i think the trail mix (home made0 put the weight on. but even though I was heavier I felt very lite yesterday and the morning (Night shift). I earned my shake today Cobbs Creek Parkway workout, run thru woods, then up hill 4x (was going for 6) then calisthenics, pull ups, jump ups, etc... more later.

83111 Day 74 182 Goodbye August - the intensity of the last 2 days has shown up today. Even though I got some high energy jump intervals, I felt sluggish and heavy.. Oh well.. got a lot of stuff done, a couple of first time activities, jumping the bench, no hands.. and dips.. did dips and plyo bench dips.. pretty easy, awaiting the burn. Also couldn't do as many plyo push ups as before and no plyo pull ups at all. Will have to wait til next week I suppose.. or... nope the WC won't be open this weekend. Maybe it's a good time for a break. A short one.


90111 - Day 75: I feel like at this point I am getting the days mixed up. Feeling yesterday's session esp in the shoulders, (inverse push ups, and some on a stability ball). Group fitness today and that's pretty much it. ate a cheese danish... GX at the Y, pizza after, no big deal. Tired tho...

90211 - Day 76: Turned out to be a pretty good workout, started with deadlifts 135 (got 2 20+ and 2 16s) tri-setted these with foot flexers (may have to photo/explain this one) and smith machine calf raises. (30 reps) Bent rev grip barbell rows, bent flys (50s, which was too much for reppin high). Barbell incline bench press 8-16-16-14 (95 lbs) decline db press (50s) 12 reps, 3 sets i think. then my shake.. Feels good to shock the upper body again, and give the legs/thighs/glutes a break. Thinking about a break, but my break will probably be light running ad stretching and yoga.

90311: Day 77 Household chores today, didn't even get the wt yet - (Ha gonna have to upload this later.... ) 182.5. 16% Not bad. I don't think I could maintain this if I didn't exercise vigorously.. and, I don't want to find out. Of course I couldn't NOT work out, so I did a lil old school arms rotation, tris-bis and 4's (arms that is) and a lil neck work too.. I need to activate the neck array, stretch and strengthen. just using 10s, 20s and 30s, can barely curl the 30 dumbbell... my isolation has gotten week, I think b/c I've been training biceps as a secondary muscle. Did I mention no meat this week, how ironic it's a cook out weekend. Also no vitamins and no supplements until Tuesday.. I'll probably be back with a vengance. I probably won't even notice the results.