Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bajai Fitness: #22109

Bajai Fitness: #22109

by KC Bajai CPT (Fitness Nerd)

This was actually written for my students/clients but my friends can probably benefit from this info as well...

There are three things people notice right away when they come to one of my GX Classes, 1) I'm a smart ass - I don't, and can't deny it, 2) I talk a lot. I'm not just there counting our reps, I'm telling you why we do what we do. 3) I'm a badass!! I believe in pushing the body beyond what YOU think it can do. You think you can't do push ups I say try. A lady in one of my classes was cranking out push ups on her 70th birthday... NO KNEES!!!

What you might not immediately figure out is that I care about your health and fitness. I'll give you all the information and resources I can think of to help you achieve your goals. Just because i do it in a smart-ass style, doesn't mean I don't care. You might also miss the fact that I'm a fitness nerd - my face is buried in books about weight training, martial arts, aerobics, nutrition, fads and trends. While you're downloading music, I'm downloading fitness videos. I stay up late at night watching fitness informercials and trying to figure out how the exercises done on these gadgets can be adapted to the class. I literally dream about fun and functional ways to lead a class that will not just educate you, but entertain you as well.

With this in mind, here's the latest (first of this year) essue of Bajai Fitness.
Most of what's in this "blog" I've been espousing to classes since i started, this time I've pulled some clips from an issue of On Fitness Magazine (

K-C Told you so....

The Back!!
1. The Latissimus dorsi are the biggest upper body muscles! This is why we worth them before we work the chest. These muscles are help us achieve that V shape that's so appealing.

Spot (Fat) Reduction
2. You can't spot reduce... but, the closest thing to it is, pounding your thighs and butt during a strenuous workout! when you do this the muscles will feed off of the nearest source of fat for energy. Fat is stored in two places primarily, between the skin and muscles. Hill running, high stepping, jumping & lifting creates an immediate need for energy - it will grab the fat that's "on location." When you burn fat this way, your legs will become tighter and trimmer!

Cortisol the Stress Hormone can help Burn Fat
3. The same hormone, cortisol, that promotes fat storage in the abdominal area, can help burn fat when combined with HGH, testosterone & adrenaline. These hormones synergistically work with cortisol to encourage fat-burning, NOT FAT STORAGE! This is why we keep the intensity levels high. This is why we do intervals in abs class!

Breast Enhancement & Exercise
4. Gyms have abs and butt classes, leg-specific classes, but I've yet to see an exercise class called Breasts and Busts! This is such a sensitive area (particularly in terms of body image) that no one wants to tackle it, so I sneak it into classes in a uncharacteristically PC way, for me anyway... but here's some important info for you, "Bench pressing will not bulk up a woman. a woman will have more uplifted breasts from chest workouts, along with firmer, trimmer and more attractive shoulders." So let's stop using the "I don't want to look like a line backer" excuse when I encourage you to bench or do push ups. One day a week of chest exercises will make you both more attractive and more confident - it will also make you stronger & better able to repel the unwanted advances your new look will attract.

OK... this is all you get this month. Digest it and hyperactivate it. Make this a part of your life style.
Remember my classes are about "SPACERB"

Reflexes/Reaction Time

Last question - Should I bother making a Fan Page on Facebook???

PS I made the page anyway... it's under "Bajai Fitness"

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