Bajai Kulture Vol 9.1:03
Weight Loss and Body Contouring Secrets (Part II)
Wednesday January 7, 2009
by K-C Bajai
Here we go again!!
Secret Number 6: Write it Down!! In the beginning you should write down everything you do, and everything you eat... even elimination! This will give you a clearer picture of you and how your body is working. You may not have to get carried away with it, however the more you write things down the more you will realize where you can make small changes in your life style that help you reach your goals. Write down how you feel after your first workout, what classes you're taking if any. Are you driving to work? Are there stairs you can walk up instead of an elevator, even one or two flights? How do you fel when you eat??
Secret Number 7: Do the Frequency! Minimum 30 minutes a day of exercise 3 to 5 days a week. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat in decending order, larger meals early in the day, smaller meals as you get closer to sleep time. Multiply your body weight by 12 (sendentary) to 14 (mildly active) and that's the approximate number of calories you'll need per day. [This goes back to the education component, so i'm not going to get too deep into this now.]
Secret Number 8: Consult Professionals: I could easily hit you with the 1-800 number or some other sales pitch right here, but to be honest most of you couldn't afford me and I'd feel bad about charging my friends... (If you find me at the Y or 12th Street or Temple or USP and you have questions I'll try and help you.) Personally I don't think a person should have to pay an arm and a leg to get healthy, but this PT stuff is an industry and this industry charges me to keep my certifications up to date and stay CPR trained, etc. So us trainers have to cover our expenses. But it doesn't have to be me. If you have the funds to engage a trainer don't just do what he/she gives you to do, take the knowledge and use it. In my opinion there are three times a person needs a personal trainer: When they are just starting out or getting back into it; When they've hit a plateau; and when they wantto take it to that next level. Trainers provide knowledge, technique, caution and assistance.
Secret Number 9: Will remain a secret for now. This has to do with a bunch of numbers and calculations that are very individualized.
Secret Number 10: Which is not so much a secret, but a disclaimer. Consult your physician before starting your exercise routine. Make sure you are healthy enough to get healthier. When you do engage a trainer or join a gym you'll fill out a medical form that states you don't have any type of situation that can put you at risk of dropping dead on a treadmill. If you're a high risk "health seeker" you might be sent to you doc for a medical clearance. Don't use this as an excuse not to exercise, you'll more than likely just have to exercise moderately for a while.
Here are your ten "secrets" that will help you keep this, and possibly last year's resolution. I'll tell you straight away that I am an example of these "secrets" I've listed. I've been at this exercise lifestyle for a dozen years (a baker's dozen in April). I've incorporated every "secret" little by little and the changes have been no less than amazing. Beyond impressing my friends, I've also gained a great deal of control over my body, as far as muscle and weight control, as well as mind control in terms of eating discipline. I've also become a lot more educated about how the body functions.
Don't have 13 years to exercise 3-5 times a week for 30-90 minutes? Consider this, scientists have discovered evidence that a healthy lifestyle can slow the aging process. Spend the next 13 years active and healthy and it can earn you another 13 in healthy functional, fun, strong living. It sould be the difference between walking off the airplane and being wheeled out in a chair.